holy bible 【宗教】圣經。
【宗教】圣經。 “holy“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.神圣的;神的;供神用的;獻身于神的。 2. ...“bible“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.【基督、猶】 〔the Bible〕 圣經。 ...“the holy bible; the bible; holy writ“ 中文翻譯: 圣經“bible“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.【基督、猶】 〔the Bible〕 圣經。 2.經典。 3.〔b-〕 有權威的典籍;金科玉律。 The Mohammedan Bible 伊斯蘭教的圣經〔即古蘭經,= the Koran〕。 The old sea captain regarded his Bowditch as his bible. 老船長把他那本波迪奇航海手冊奉為金科玉律。 Douai Bible, Douay Bible 杜埃版《圣經》〔1582-1610年在多維地方由英國教士團將拉丁文《圣經》譯為英語,并作修訂,供天主教徒使用〕。 King James Bible 欽定《圣經》〔由英國國王詹姆士一世于1604年倡議,完成于1611年,是講英語國家新教徒使用最廣泛的英譯本,又稱 Authorized Version〕。 the Wicked [Adulterous] Bible邪[穢]版《圣經》〔1631年版《圣經》,該版本將 Thou shalt not commit adultery 句中的 not 一詞漏印,使“汝切勿通奸”一語變成“汝可通奸”〕。 “the bible“ 中文翻譯: 圣經“holy“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.神圣的;神的;供神用的;獻身于神的。 2.圣潔的;至善的。 3.虔誠的;崇敬的;宗教的。 4.〔口語〕令人生畏的,可怕的;厲害的,非常的。 holy rites 宗教儀式。 holy ground 圣地。 a holy place 靈場。 the holy place 圣殿,大殿。 a holy man 虔誠的信徒。 holy love 純真的愛。 a holy terror 難以對付的家伙,無法無天的小家伙。 holy cow [smoke]! 天哪!〔表示驚訝、強調的感嘆語〕。 n. 神圣的東西,圣堂。 the Holiest 至圣者(指上帝或基督)(= the holy of the holiest)。 the Holy of Holies 猶太神殿中的至圣所;神圣的地方。 “holy holy holy“ 中文翻譯: 神圣的“- the bible code“ 中文翻譯: 圣經密碼“a bible for daughters“ 中文翻譯: 女兒經“a bible lesson“ 中文翻譯: 一堂圣經課“allusion to the bible“ 中文翻譯: 一個出自《圣經》的典故“bianchi bible“ 中文翻譯: 《圣經》“bible and theology“ 中文翻譯: 圣經和神學“bible bashing“ 中文翻譯: 宣講福音“bible belt“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕美國南部和中西部正統主義派教徒多的幾個州;〔轉義〕教徒多的地方 “bible black“ 中文翻譯: 黑暗圣經; 黑魔術學園“bible christians“ 中文翻譯: 圣經主義派〔19世紀新教中的一派〕。 “bible class“ 中文翻譯: (主日學校的)讀經班。 “bible code“ 中文翻譯: 圣經密碼“bible college“ 中文翻譯: 培訓宗教工作者的基督教大學。 “bible drink“ 中文翻譯: 禱告會;禮拜會。 “bible for girls“ 中文翻譯: 女兒經“bible institute“ 中文翻譯: 基督教大學“bible oath“ 中文翻譯: 吻《圣經》立的誓,莊嚴的誓言。 “bible of couple“ 中文翻譯: 兩個人的圣經
holy bread |
You can see that in many things i do . i can even turn stones into a passage of the holy bible - a message from god . when people wear a piece of jewelry with a name such as the “ wisdom of solomon “ or the “ ultimate glory of love , “ they cannot help but be reminded , also subconsciously , that the ultimate goal is that we should find love , we should find our real self , instead of just thinking of this material body which doesn t last very long 答:你可以從許多我所做的事中看得出來,我甚至可以用寶石來傳達上帝的訊息和代表圣經的經文當人們戴上所羅門王的智慧無上圣愛這些天飾時,他們自然在潛意識中就會提醒自己:人生最終的目標是要去尋找愛尋找真我,而不只是整天想著這個無常的物質身體,所以名字和語言對人有很大的影響力。 |
M : you can see that in many things i do . i can even turn stones into a passage of the holy bible - a message from god . when people wear a piece of jewelry with a name such as the “ wisdom of solomon “ or the “ ultimate glory of love , “ they cannot help but be reminded , also subconsciously , that the ultimate goal is that we should find love , we should find our real self , instead of just thinking of this material body which doesn t last very long 答:你可以從許多我所做的事中看得出來,我甚至可以用寶石來傳達上帝的訊息和代表圣經的經文當人們戴上所羅門王的智慧無上圣愛這些天飾時,他們自然在潛意識中就會提醒自己:人生最終的目標是要去尋找愛尋找真我,而不只是整天想著這個無常的物質身體,所以名字和語言對人有很大的影響力。 |
My english is very deficient , initially encouraged to write this placard , also is needs to draw support very helps , the expectation has the more english proficiency to be very high , also has the very deep pursue brother sisters in the holy bible study to join unceasingly , for glory god , this version block also is so , hopes fellow brothers sisters , do not neglect the god to bestow own gracious gift , full display , regardless of work size , the god all sees , is willing the host to pity uses our each brother sisters , amen 我的英語很貧乏,當初勉勵寫此帖,也是需要借助很多幫助,期望有更多英語水平很高,并且在圣經學習上也有很深追求的弟兄姊妹不斷地加入進來,為更加榮耀神,這個版塊也是如此,愿各位弟兄姊妹,不要忽視神所賜給自己的恩賜,充分的發揮出來,無論工作大小,神都看見,愿主憐憫使用我們每一個弟兄姊妹,阿門! |
Classical text “ temptation of jesus “ in “ holy bible new testament “ was taken as basis in this paper , and essential and modem meaning of the first question , which was asked to jesus by the devil after he was baptized , was explained from the visual angles of life - death and economic ethic 摘要本文以《圣經?新約》四福音書中“耶穌受試探”這一基督教經典文本為基礎,從生死倫理和經濟倫理的視角深入闡釋了耶穌受洗后魔鬼向其所提第一個問題的本質含義及其現代意義。 |
The world association for chinese church music was originally established in 1972 ( known as the south - east asia sacred music association prior to 1982 ) as an interdenominational and non - profit christian organization with our faith based on the holy bible 世界華人基督教圣樂促進會( 1982年前稱作東南亞基督教圣樂促進會)成立于1972年,是一個跨宗派、以圣經為信仰根基的非牟利基督教組織。 |
The judge in the saskatchewan court of queen s bench suggested that using bible verses in a newspaper ad like this , could be construed as hate literature . so there is now legal precedent in canada that the holy bible is hate literature 薩省法院saskatchewan court of queen s bench的法官指出,在這樣的報章廣告中使用圣經章節可被視為帶有仇恨的文字。 |
Person who study it organizes to be one a kind of a brand - new ones , considered to be new centuries manage new the management theories of modes , praised as “ the holy bible of management in 21st century “ by the business circles 學習型組織是一種全新的、被認為是新世紀管理新模式的管理理論,被企業界譽為“ 21世紀的管理圣經” 。 |
The holy bible is always considered the pillar of the western philosophical civilization . it is frequently quoted to describe the modern man or matter 《圣經》一直被認為是西方精神文明(是我們的那個“精神文明-物質文明兩手抓”的那個東西? )的重要支柱,里面的典故常常被引用來描述當代的人或者食物(事物? ! ) |
Read the books where god is in , christian books , most of all the holy bible . read the bible . i cant tell you how many times reading the bible i got a bright idea 讀里面有神的書籍,基督教書籍最重要的是圣經,讀圣經,我無法數算有多少次,我讀經時領會到了不起的意念,是神藉著書頁講話。 |
His book has sold 30 million copies in 45 languages and it has brought faith to thousands of people because the book is really based on the teachings of the holy bible 他的書被譯成四十五種語言,并已出版超過三千萬本。然而,積極思考的力量跟圣經的教導相比仍然微不足道。 |
Therefore we need to do what the holy bible and the sutras of buddhism said and keep ourselves pure and also we need to help others of understand god and believe in him and follow his way 所以我們要照圣經及佛經的話去做盡量使自己圣潔還要幫助別人了解上帝相 |
It is why i believe in the holy bible . that s where i get the values that redeem and transform me . that will make me into more a beautiful person 因此我總是高舉耶穌基督,因此我總是相信圣經,我們都需要能救贖改變我們的價值,使我們變得更美麗 |
And she got her self - esteem drive from the holy bible and from her church . when her oldest son heard about a school called west point , he wanted to go there ,她從圣經和教會得著動力,她的長子聽見西點軍校的事,他便決定要入讀那學校。 |
After this book is continues the religious holy bible and the technical holy bible , humanity ' s third humanities holy bible , also is the final holy bible 本書是繼宗教圣經和科技圣經之后,人類的第三部人文圣經,也是最后的圣經! |
But the best stuff that he got had been taught for centuries in the holy bible , in the psalms , in the prophets , and in jesus christ 他稱之為深度心理學,他所講的最好的。圣經已教導了好幾個世紀,藉詩篇先知,還有耶穌基督。 |
The holy bible contains the mind of god , the state of man , the way of salvation , the doom of sinners , and the happiness of believers 神圣的圣經包含上帝的意思,人的境況,救恩的方法,罪人的厄運,和信徒的幸福。 |
From the point view of the holy bible , the writer of the paper reads the image of jesus christ from santiago ' s story 對這個人物從圣經的角度進行解讀,筆者認為這一人物的描寫被賦予了很多圣經中受難耶穌的形象。 |
The holy bible encompasses great literary value , but there is one undeniable fact that it is also a book loaded with many religious ideas 然而,盡管《圣經》文學價值極其豐富,但其宗教色彩也極其濃厚。 |
Read the first chapter in the holy bible genesis 1 about how god in the beginning , created the heavens and the earth 我經常回想起創造的圖畫:起初,神創造天地, ?回看這大地說:這是好的。 |